Why Self-Defense Is A Must
Tired of fishing and bowling? How about taking some self-defense classes to spend your free time?
Stop right there. If you are looking at tactical self-defense as your next hobby, you are totally on the wrong track.
Sure you can go and find a martial arts temple nearby to learn some fancy moves. Just for the fun of it.
You can practice Karate, Judo, Taekwondo or any other kind of fighting yoga. There’s nothing wrong with physical activity, as long as it makes you feel good.
You might even reach out for a shiny medal in any sportive martial arts competition. And if you enjoy having a pint at the bar with your new training mates after class, that's totally fine as well.
Have fun with your martial arts. AND always remember, you are not practicing self-defense. Martial arts is not the kind of concept we are talking about here at YCF!. We are talking about self-defense only.
Self-Defense is not another hobby you might choose. It’s not an option.
Self-Defense Is A Must.
Because it’s nothing but human nature. And it’s essential for human living. From our perspective, there are only three disciplines one must consciously master to keep the human race in the race.
Just think about it. No one of us would be here, if our ancestors wouldn’t have mastered these three disciplines fairly well.
There’s nothing more natural than Feed, F*ck & Fight.
Human life would just not exist, if we weren’t able to keep ourselves free from harm by fight or flight (wich is just another term for self-defense). Humans are passionated fighters.
This is why, when we talk about self-defense, we are not attempting to sell you on a brand new combat system. Instead, we invite you to buy into your very human nature. We invite you to remember your natural competences.
You are already an expert in self-defense. Just like you are an expert in eating, digesting and reproducing. Let us empower you to discover your greatness in defending.
Actually, there's nothing more natural than Feed, F*ck and Fight.
- Chris Schmidt
Yes, You Can!
You can fight. And you should do, if you identify any whatsoever reason to stay alive.
No reason in sight? Well, that’s one of the first things we should discuss, when starting your self-defense training. Fortunately, we have some tools for that inside YCF Zone.
Even more good news. You will still have tremendous fun while working with us. You will laugh. You will sweat. You will cuss. And you will definitely feel good at the end of any training session.
And - if you can keep a secret - you’ll meet some of us at the bar afterwards.
We love to empower you. Come in and find out.
Let's awake the giant within.
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